Palestinian Women: A Status Report
In 1997, the Women’s Studies Program launched a multi-volume publication, Palestinian Women: A Status Report, addressing gender relations and the situation of women in specific sectors of contemporary life including labor and the economy, social support, population and fertility, education, and politics, as well as providing an overview of Palestinian society. Six volumes have been published to date:
Palestinian Society: Contemporary Realities and Trends (1997), by Lisa Taraki (in Arabic and English)
Population and Fertility: Population Policies, Women’s Rights, and Sustainable Development (1997), by Rita Giacaman (in Arabic and English)
Labor and Economy: Gender Segmentation in Palestinian Economic Life (1997), by Rema Hammami (in Arabic and English)
Social Support: Gender and Social Policy in Palestine (1997), by Penny Johnson (in Arabic and English)
Education: A Gender Profile of the Determinants and Outcomes of Schooling in the West Bank and Gaza Strip (1997), by Mona Ghali (in Arabic and English)
Women and Politics: Palestinian Women (2000), by Islah Jad (in Arabic)